Derived types

Definition and declaration

Use a TYPE block to define a derived type, and use type(......) to declare an instance of a derived type

program main
    implicit none
    type :: duck
    end type duck
    type(duck) :: duck1, duck2
end program main

Type components

Type components are like attributes of an object in Python. Use NOT . but % to get type components.

program main
    implicit none
    type :: duck
        logical :: living = .true.
        logical :: swiming = .false.
    end type duck
    type(duck) :: duck1, duck2
    print *, duck1%living
    print *, duck2%swiming
end program main

Type-bound procedures

Type-bound procedures are like methods of an object in Python. Use NOT . but % to get type-bound procedures. If type-bound procedure is specified by nopass, the instance of the type itself will not be passed to the type-bound procedure, If type-bound procedure is specified by pass(`self`), the instance of the type itself will be passed to the `self` dummy argument the type-bound procedure. The `self` dummy argument must be declared to be type class(`type`) which stands of type type or a descendant type of type type.

program main
    use :: mod
    implicit none
    type(duck) :: duck1, duck2
    call duck1%quack()
    call duck2%swim()
    print *, duck2%swiming
end program main

module mod
    implicit none
    type :: duck
        logical :: living = .true.
        logical :: swiming = .false.
        procedure, nopass :: quack
        procedure, pass(self) :: swim
    end type duck
    subroutine quack()
        print *, 'Quack!'
    end subroutine quack
    subroutine swim(self)
            subroutine quack()
            end subroutine quack
        end interface
        class(duck) :: self
        self%swiming = .true.
    end subroutine swim    
end module mod

Type extensions

Type extension is like inheritance of a type in Python. Add extends(`parent-type`) in the start statement of the TYPE block to extend a type.

program main
    use :: mod
    implicit none
    type(duck) :: duck1, duck2
    call duck1%quack()
    call duck2%swim()
    print *, duck2%swiming
end program main

module mod
    implicit none
    type :: animal
        logical :: living = .true.
        logical :: swiming = .false.
    end type animal
    type, extends(animal) :: duck
        procedure, nopass :: quack
        procedure, pass(self) :: swim
    end type duck
    subroutine quack()
        print *, 'Quack!'
    end subroutine quack
    subroutine swim(self)
            subroutine quack()
            end subroutine quack
        end interface
        class(duck) :: self
        self%swiming = .true.
    end subroutine swim    
end module mod